Hey everyone, we have arrived after 1150 km of biking and are finally in berlin!
First of all, dont miss Johans post about iceland below this one, and check the cool pictures =)
Ah where to begin. We arrived in Germany by ferry from Gedser to Rostock. We have a tendency when biking to arrive late at night at huge dark harbors miles away from the actual town. this is a tradition that dates back to the Croatia trip so we are used to it. After spending a night in ein Zimmer (and showering!) we explored the town and went for some famous german döner kebap. good times. The biking through germany has been mainly very easy (with some extreme exceptions) and uneventful. German people seem to love biking, which suprised us a little, and the road was well taken care of and signed. We met many other bikers doing day trips or longer trips and a "hallo" was always expected when passing someone. We rolled into berlin with sore butts but in a happy mood late last night and after some searching found a great hostel. Today we had some sunday brunch (half day) and relaxed in the park (other half). No idea what we will explore tomorrow =)
Guten tag
(pictures in no specific order)