Now we are in Croatia. In a town called Pula on the southernmost edge of the huge peninsula called Istria. The road here has been varied, sometimes better and sometimes worse. But I will pick up where i left off in the last post.
We arrived in Trieste, Italy in the late evening, and just as predicted we needed to sleep at the train station. The night guard was helpful enough to show us a good corner and made sure that our wallets were safe (in our underwear). Well, we spent the night there and took off early in the morning, towards Slovenia. After getting some directions from another biking couple we found our way to a border control that was not on the highway. Passing through was easy and on the other side we had some freshly caught calamari for lunch (fried of course). The journy carried on over some huge hills to the town of Portoroz and the camping site for the night. Here we could enjoy our first dip in the sea. Good times.
In the morning we set our handlebars for the croatian border. The passing here was also trouble free and we just needed to assure the border guard that we didnt have any alcohol with us and he let us through. The cars didnt have to answer any questions at all. After the border we found a mountain. Good times. It was steep as hell but we are stubborn and our buttocks are hard, so we won in the end!
After refueling (coffe, greek salad and ice cream) we went for the goal of the day, another camping site. The road took us over some beutiful bridges over the mediterranean bays along the coast and soon we spotted a good site. Though actually, what we saw was the rear end of a HUGE camping site. It was like roskilde festival with malls, restaurants and fast food kiosks inside. I got lost when looking for the reception and not until 21.30 could we finally enjoy some dinner. Speaking of food, we have been having a little problem. we thought it might be a good idea to buy the gas bottles we need for our kitchen when we arrive, so we dont need to take them on the plane. Well of course they have another standard connection for gas bottles here so its been impossible so far to fire up our small, light weight camping kitchen (until today, see picture).
We have been biking a few days along the coast of Istria now, in a similar fashion, taking it slow and enjoying the views. From this town Pula that we are in now we will take a boat tomorrow at 07.00 to the island of Lošinj. From there we have no idea where to go but the plan is to reach Pag, a long island known for its moon-like landscape. Hopefully we will reach there tomorrow or the day after and start biking south towards Zadar. I will write a new post as soon as i get the chance! And as always, its great to read some comments!
Sounds great! nd Malte seems to be very happy with the blue gas bottles.. Did you get them from someone from nordic countries?
SvaraRaderaNothing special here, yesterday all the family went to country-side to pick up mushroom and all kind of berries. Then we made some jam and juice, we put them to the fringe in Pirkkala, so you have at least one reason to come back from your journey when it ends :)
Really nice to hear from you - I check almost every day and I´ve tried to phone both of you without any luck. You seem to have sunny weather all along - is it very hot to?
SvaraRaderaIn Stockholm a heavy rain fell on the participants in Midnattsloppet, but Hugo, Anton and Helena did very well!
Looking forward to read your next report!
(right now: worldrecord on 100m: 9,58 by Usain Bolt!!!)