Hey Guys,
image special from Trutnov, enjoy!
fredag 29 juli 2011
måndag 25 juli 2011
Biking through Poland part 2
Hey guys!
We are again in a public library, this time in Gora. Lets continue were we left off. In Starogard.
Malte & Veera
ps. sorry no pictures, computers and connections here dont allow it
We are again in a public library, this time in Gora. Lets continue were we left off. In Starogard.
After devouring a couple of Zapiekankas
we rolled south towards Tlen where we knew there would be a campsite.
This day was supposed to be easy biking, but turned out quite the
challenge. We were trying to go on the smallest possible asphalt roads,
but some stretches were only sand road or ancient cobblestone, anyway
lovely weather and nature kept our moods up. The camping in Tlen was
beautiful on the shore of a small lake.
The morning after we packed our stuff and headed to Swiekatowo for a
long lunch (waiting for the rice to boil) at a lovely beach. Pushing
on, we had coffe in Koronowo, and spent the night in the hostel by the
stadium in Mrocza. We cooked pierogi
on their front lawn which warranted a few weirded looks from passers
by, but mostly followed by smiles.
In the morning there was heavy rain, so we had breakfast inside and
spent the forenoon reading. When The weather finally cleared it was the
hostel adjecant the sports stadium, normally meant for participants of
various exercise camps. In the evening we had a fantastic dinner on the
shore of the nearby river while the sun set and the rain again
Now, the next day, our goal was Poznan, and we were sure wed get there
early and post this blogpost and do all our other stuff and be out of
there early next morning but that didnt happen... Instead, when we were
halfway there (Murowana Goslina) The rain returned with force, and we
decided to take a shortcut through a millitary area which activity
going on here and there, and the environment was swamplike. When we,
dripping wet, arrived to the place on our map marked "camping" there
was nothing. both campsites around that lake had closed down so we
decided to enter Poznan city instead and look for a hostel. Around
21.00 we found the tourist information, and a friendly guy marked two
youth hostels on our map, on opposite sides of town. So after randomly
chosing one and going there of course it was closed. Closed 1st through
30th of july, very weird. Anyway, after riding back through town we
found the second youth hostel to be open, even though it was their last
day in the buissiness. Good, we grabbed some food from a nearby night
open shop and went to sleep.
The next day was all rain and we didnt want to leave. When we left we
went straight to a cafe and sat down to wait out the rain and have
coffes, very well. It didnt stop. We had been in contact with a couch
surfer in Poznan earlier, but didnt want to bother him when we arrived
so late the previous night, but now we texted him and he answered that
he indeed had room for us. This is how we met Adam. He took us in from
the rain and gave us hot tea and hundreds of tips of things to do in
Poznan on a rainy day! So we spent the day checking the local sites
with the last stop being the bar where Adam worked, Baza Wilda, where
we had food and met awesome people. During the evening we got more tips
on things to do in Poznan and Adam said it was cool if we stayed
another night in his place so we did!
Before noon the next day we had checked all second hand stores in Wilda
(the area were we stayed) for suiting clothes for the evenings some
sightseeing, saw a soccer stadium which looked completely overgrown and
taken back by nature, but when we pushed through the was a newly cut
soccer field completely isolated from the rest of the city inside, and
a game going on! Really cool. We had Pierogi for lunch at a nearby milk
bar and then whent to the current exhibition in the Poznan national
museum, which was about posters. They had an impressive collection of
historical and contemporary posters and after this it was time for
dinner. As i mentioned we had gotten some tips on stuff to do and one
of them was a restaurant which served historical polish meals. The
owner of the restaurant (Toga)
knew the guy we met in Baza earlier and he recommended for us Duck
blood soup and horse tartar. We also had whole fishes on papadam for
starters and unsweetend baclava (alot better than it sounds) for
desert. Maybe the best restaurant meal ever for the both of us,
especially the duck blood soup was fantastic. Definately visit this
place if in Poznan, and Baza Wilda of course! which is where we headed
next for the theme party, which turned out to be a great evening!
The next day we packed our bags and were asking Adam for directions on
how to leave the city which led to him guiding us on a half day trip to
Puszczykowo and the museum of Arkady Fiedler, a polish explorer.
Beautiful weather and nature and good company totally made our day! On
this day the 26th of july, 8 am, we are in Gora, now heading south!
we rolled south towards Tlen where we knew there would be a campsite.
This day was supposed to be easy biking, but turned out quite the
challenge. We were trying to go on the smallest possible asphalt roads,
but some stretches were only sand road or ancient cobblestone, anyway
lovely weather and nature kept our moods up. The camping in Tlen was
beautiful on the shore of a small lake.
The morning after we packed our stuff and headed to Swiekatowo for a
long lunch (waiting for the rice to boil) at a lovely beach. Pushing
on, we had coffe in Koronowo, and spent the night in the hostel by the
stadium in Mrocza. We cooked pierogi
on their front lawn which warranted a few weirded looks from passers
by, but mostly followed by smiles.
In the morning there was heavy rain, so we had breakfast inside and
spent the forenoon reading. When The weather finally cleared it was the
hostel adjecant the sports stadium, normally meant for participants of
various exercise camps. In the evening we had a fantastic dinner on the
shore of the nearby river while the sun set and the rain again
Now, the next day, our goal was Poznan, and we were sure wed get there
early and post this blogpost and do all our other stuff and be out of
there early next morning but that didnt happen... Instead, when we were
halfway there (Murowana Goslina) The rain returned with force, and we
decided to take a shortcut through a millitary area which activity
going on here and there, and the environment was swamplike. When we,
dripping wet, arrived to the place on our map marked "camping" there
was nothing. both campsites around that lake had closed down so we
decided to enter Poznan city instead and look for a hostel. Around
21.00 we found the tourist information, and a friendly guy marked two
youth hostels on our map, on opposite sides of town. So after randomly
chosing one and going there of course it was closed. Closed 1st through
30th of july, very weird. Anyway, after riding back through town we
found the second youth hostel to be open, even though it was their last
day in the buissiness. Good, we grabbed some food from a nearby night
open shop and went to sleep.
The next day was all rain and we didnt want to leave. When we left we
went straight to a cafe and sat down to wait out the rain and have
coffes, very well. It didnt stop. We had been in contact with a couch
surfer in Poznan earlier, but didnt want to bother him when we arrived
so late the previous night, but now we texted him and he answered that
he indeed had room for us. This is how we met Adam. He took us in from
the rain and gave us hot tea and hundreds of tips of things to do in
Poznan on a rainy day! So we spent the day checking the local sites
with the last stop being the bar where Adam worked, Baza Wilda, where
we had food and met awesome people. During the evening we got more tips
on things to do in Poznan and Adam said it was cool if we stayed
another night in his place so we did!
Before noon the next day we had checked all second hand stores in Wilda
(the area were we stayed) for suiting clothes for the evenings some
sightseeing, saw a soccer stadium which looked completely overgrown and
taken back by nature, but when we pushed through the was a newly cut
soccer field completely isolated from the rest of the city inside, and
a game going on! Really cool. We had Pierogi for lunch at a nearby milk
bar and then whent to the current exhibition in the Poznan national
museum, which was about posters. They had an impressive collection of
historical and contemporary posters and after this it was time for
dinner. As i mentioned we had gotten some tips on stuff to do and one
of them was a restaurant which served historical polish meals. The
owner of the restaurant (Toga)
knew the guy we met in Baza earlier and he recommended for us Duck
blood soup and horse tartar. We also had whole fishes on papadam for
starters and unsweetend baclava (alot better than it sounds) for
desert. Maybe the best restaurant meal ever for the both of us,
especially the duck blood soup was fantastic. Definately visit this
place if in Poznan, and Baza Wilda of course! which is where we headed
next for the theme party, which turned out to be a great evening!
The next day we packed our bags and were asking Adam for directions on
how to leave the city which led to him guiding us on a half day trip to
Puszczykowo and the museum of Arkady Fiedler, a polish explorer.
Beautiful weather and nature and good company totally made our day! On
this day the 26th of july, 8 am, we are in Gora, now heading south!
Malte & Veera
ps. sorry no pictures, computers and connections here dont allow it
måndag 18 juli 2011
Biking Through Poland part 1
Hey guys!
This is Malte checking in from the library in Starogard where i found free internet!
We Arrived by ferry to Gdansk Harbour two days ago and were met by sandy beaches and 27 degrees, good times! After we made our way in to town (not far) we got some instant noodles with Borstj flavour and cooked them on our camping kitchen in the middle of suburban gdansk, at a small playground. Some people were staring but some were really nice, asking were we are from and were we are going etc. Anyway, we made contact with our couch surfing host Mykola and met up with him just before we was going to work. He was working as a bartender at a beach bar in Gdynia and invited us to spend the evening there, which sounded awesome. We decided we are just going to check out the old town of Gdansk first, which is semi famous for being old school hansa style trade town-ish and it was. Any way after that time was like 10.00 o clock and we were almost falling asleep over our Gofrys (local treat). So we just went back to Mykolas place to sleep. We didnt get much sleep on the 19 hour ferry ride here so thats probably the reason for our tiredness.
In the morning we made breakfast and chatted with our host. We needed to leave around 10/11 because he was going back to work. We took our bikes to the local shopping galleria and found a bookstore which sold maps. We picked up a1:500 000mapcovering poland for 10zl (around 25SEK) which was a good deal! We needed to visit an internet cafe to analogize our planned google maps trip to the newly bought map and when we were done time was 15.00. We managed to put 60km between Gdansk and us before we had some dinner and found a local youth hostel were we spent the night (double room 60 zl). It was a small village 8-9 km north of Starogard were im writing this. Next time posting i will bring pictures i promise!
This is Malte checking in from the library in Starogard where i found free internet!
We Arrived by ferry to Gdansk Harbour two days ago and were met by sandy beaches and 27 degrees, good times! After we made our way in to town (not far) we got some instant noodles with Borstj flavour and cooked them on our camping kitchen in the middle of suburban gdansk, at a small playground. Some people were staring but some were really nice, asking were we are from and were we are going etc. Anyway, we made contact with our couch surfing host Mykola and met up with him just before we was going to work. He was working as a bartender at a beach bar in Gdynia and invited us to spend the evening there, which sounded awesome. We decided we are just going to check out the old town of Gdansk first, which is semi famous for being old school hansa style trade town-ish and it was. Any way after that time was like 10.00 o clock and we were almost falling asleep over our Gofrys (local treat). So we just went back to Mykolas place to sleep. We didnt get much sleep on the 19 hour ferry ride here so thats probably the reason for our tiredness.
In the morning we made breakfast and chatted with our host. We needed to leave around 10/11 because he was going back to work. We took our bikes to the local shopping galleria and found a bookstore which sold maps. We picked up a1:500 000mapcovering poland for 10zl (around 25SEK) which was a good deal! We needed to visit an internet cafe to analogize our planned google maps trip to the newly bought map and when we were done time was 15.00. We managed to put 60km between Gdansk and us before we had some dinner and found a local youth hostel were we spent the night (double room 60 zl). It was a small village 8-9 km north of Starogard were im writing this. Next time posting i will bring pictures i promise!
lördag 16 juli 2011
Raivio Open Air 2011 Midsummer Festival
Årets resa till Finland blev precis så bra som vi förutspått. Tre veteraner och tre färskingar tog sig hela långa vägen till gården mitt i de djupa finska skogarna. Denna gång var det Malte, Sofia, Arvid, Malin, Karen (trevlig couchsurfare från Australien) och jag (Johan) som reste från Sverige för att möta upp med alla andra trevliga festivalbesökare. Precis som förra året åt vi mat, drack öl, spelade elefantfotboll, slappade, bastade, eldade, lyssnade på musik, dansade, spelade musik, badade, dödade mygg, sjöng och hängde gäng. Trevligt trevligt!
Bild 1: Arvid och Malte slappar.
Bild 2: Sofia och Veera hänger gäng.
Bild 3: Jag har inte däckat...
Bild 4: Raiviogänget 2011.
Bild 5: Sofia, Karen och Malin hänger gäng.
Bild 6: "The bonfire"
Bild 7: Fyrklöver.
Bild 8: Arvid spelar melodica.

Jag får avsluta detta korta inlägg med att passa på att tacka alla som fixade ett riktigt trevligt midsommarfirande, jag tror inte att jag är ensam om att se fram emot att någon gång komma tillbaka till gården i skogen.
Bild 1: Arvid och Malte slappar.
Bild 2: Sofia och Veera hänger gäng.
Bild 3: Jag har inte däckat...
Bild 4: Raiviogänget 2011.
Bild 5: Sofia, Karen och Malin hänger gäng.
Bild 6: "The bonfire"
Bild 7: Fyrklöver.
Bild 8: Arvid spelar melodica.
Jag får avsluta detta korta inlägg med att passa på att tacka alla som fixade ett riktigt trevligt midsommarfirande, jag tror inte att jag är ensam om att se fram emot att någon gång komma tillbaka till gården i skogen.
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